Terms and Conditions

3.0 Terms and Definitions

3.1 The following definitions apply for the purpose of this manual according to ISO 17065.

3.1.1 Applicant

The applicant is the entity requesting certification of conformity to a specific Standard(s) and the certification scheme.

3.1.2 Certification Body

The Certification Body (AAPA) is the party that is responsible for ensuring that products meet and continue to meet, the requirements on which certification is based according to ISO/IEC 17065 and the certification scheme.

3.1.4 Certification Scheme

The certification scheme is the qualification criteria stipulated in AAPA’s policies and procedures, the certification contract, and the specific Standard under which the product is being evaluated.

3.1.5 Client

The product manufacturer which is responsible to the Certification Body for ensuring that certification requirements are fulfilled.

3.1.6 Conformity

Fulfillment by a product of specified requirements of the certification scheme.

3.1.7 Consultancy

Participation in the designing, manufacturing, installing, maintaining, or distributing of a certified product or a product to be certified.

3.1.8 Evaluation

Systematic examination of the extent to which the design fulfills specified requirements.

3.1.9 Exception

Approved limited non-compliance with applied Standards and/or procedures.

3.1.10 Impartiality

The presence of objectivity and the absence of conflicts of interest which may influence the certification activities.

3.1.11 Non-Conformity

The absence of one or more specified requirements.

3.1.12 Manufacturer

The entity providing the product who is responsible for assuring conformity with all requirements, particular Standards or specifications and who desires to participate in the certification program and have its product(s) certified.

3.1.13 Qualified Personnel

Personnel that have demonstrated the capability of fulfilling specified requirements and are authorized to perform specified functions.

3.1.14 Quality Manual

A document stating the quality policy, quality system, and quality practices of an organization.

3.1.15 Quality Assurance Officer

The Quality Assurance Officer assesses compliance with policies and procedures.

3.1.16 Quality Management System

The quality system is the organizational structure, responsibilities, procedures, processes, and resources for implementing quality management.

3.1.17 Scope of Certification

Identification of the product for which certification is granted and the Standard to which it is judged that the product complies with.

3.1.18 Verification

Verification is confirmation by examination and provision of evidence that specified requirements have been met.

3.2 For the purposes of this standard, the relevant definitions given in ISO/IEC 17000, ISO/IEC 17065, ISO 19011, ISO/IEC Guide 2 and PEFC ST 2002 apply, together with the following definitions:

3.2.1 Audit

Systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining objective evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are fulfilled.

Note: The term “audit” used in this document is equivalent to the term “evaluation” used in ISO/IEC 17065.

3.2.2 Certification decision maker

A person or a group of persons (e.g. a committee) that has not been involved in the audit process and is assigned by AAPA to make the certification decision.

3.2.3 Chain of Custody standard

PEFC ST 2002, Chain of Custody of Forest and Tree Based Products – Requirements.

3.2.4 Client organisation

Organisation, including a multi-site organisation, that is applying for chain of custody, or whose chain of custody has been certified.

Note: The term “client organisation” used in this document is equivalent to the term “supplier” used in ISO/IEC 17065.

3.2.5 Major nonconformity

The absence of, or failure to implement and maintain, one or more requirements of the Chain of Custody standard, that may result in a systemic risk to the function and effectiveness of the chain of custody and/or affect confidence in the client organisation’s claims on certified raw material.

Note: A major nonconformity may be an individual nonconformity, or a number of minor but related nonconformities that when considered in total are judged to constitute a major nonconformity.

3.2.6 Minor nonconformity

A single failure to fulfil the requirements of the Chain of Custody standard that may result in no systemic risk to the function and effectiveness of the chain of custody and/or affect confidence in the supplier’s claims on certified raw material.

3.2.7 Observation

An audit finding that does not indicate nonconformity. It may be identified by the audit team as an opportunity for improvement.

3.2.8 PEFC authorised body

The PEFC authorised body is an entity that has permission from the PEFC Council to issue PEFC trademarks licences and to notify certification bodies on behalf of the PEFC Council. Usually the authorized bodies are the PEFC National Governing Bodies.

3.2.9 PEFC National Governing Bodies (PEFC NGBs)

The PEFC National Governing Bodies (PEFC NGBs) are independent, national organisations established to develop and implement a PEFC system within their country. A list of the PEFC NGBs and their contact details can be found at the PEFC website. PEFC NGBs are often also the PEFC authorised body.

3.2.10 Reviewer

A person or a group of persons (e.g. a committee) that has not been involved in the audit process and is assigned by AAPA to review all the information and results related to the audit.

3.2.11 Technical expert

Person who provides specific knowledge or expertise to the audit team. The technical expert is not considered an auditor.

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