Quotation Request

To obtain a quotation, please complete this form. We will assess the information supplied and send a quotation to you by email.

Quotation Request

  • Please indication the shift working pattern and advise how many management staff and operational staff are employed on each shift
  • Please list addresses of all other sites and include number of management and operational staff for each site (and for each shift if there is shift working in operation)
  • Choose standard from drop down list
  • Please briefly describe the business activities, products and/or services of the company and for multi-site operations, identify any specialist activities related to individual sites. NOTE - the scope may be adjusted to align with EA codes.
  • Please list any key processes and operations or technological context
  • Please indicate the level of risk associated with products, processes or activities.
  • Please describe the technical resources relevant to the business activities
  • Please describe any activities or processes which are critical for conformity but which are outsourced.
  • Please describe any legal or regulatory obligations relating to the company's business activities.
  • Please choose from the drop down list
  • Please indicate what health and safety implications there may be during the assessment.
  • Please advise what language the assessment is to be conducted in IF NOT ENGLISH
  • Please choose from the drop down list
  • Also indicate potential impact on the environment
  • Also indicate plans and initiatives to reduce the impact on the environment of vehicles and motorised units
  • List all waste generated by the organisation and indicate method of disposal of waste
  • Max. file size: 64 MB.
  • Max. file size: 64 MB.
  • Max. file size: 64 MB.
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